"Cuddling literally kills depression, relieves anxiety and strengthens the immune system." ~Anonymous

Is this you?
Wake up, grab coffee, go right to work, come home, make dinner, check your email, social media sites, go to bed. Rinse & repeat?
Do you ever feel like this routine has you spinning your wheels? Constantly wondering when the big break is going to happen?
Well I ask you this. Are you forgetting a very important ingredient to success in life and business? What is it? I'll give you a hint: YOU!
I've spent a lot of time recently wondering WHY WHY WHY? I felt like a hamster on a wheel...I was going, going, going...nowhere! Sure, business is picking up and things seem to be heading in the right direction. But I'm not a thing. I'm a person. And I felt like I was going nowhere. The need to be honest with myself I started noticing red flags fly up.
Red flags like insomnia, lack of energy, reduced social interaction and over thinking every little thing. Sound familiar folks?
Well now that we are in a new year and I recognize these issues, I realized that I'm NEVER going to please everyone. There will always be naysayers. There will always be people who you expect to support your dreams and aspirations that just don't. There will always be people who'll never understand your business, why you started it, or how you can live not having a 'real job.' With all of your energy and attention turned to these rather insignificant instances you are losing time with the people that do believe in you...including YOURSELF. And that time lost means less creativity. Less productivity. Less happiness.
So, I have a challenge for my friends and colleagues.
Starting now, wake up 60 minutes earlier. Keep a journal. Each morning when you wake up write one reason why you are proud of yourself. Spend the next 57 minutes for YOU.
For many small business owners this challenge will be exactly that. A CHALLENGE! We wake up and worry about our mile-long to-do list. If you are anything like me, this worrying causes me to skip breakfast, get tired, and then not want to do a single thing on the to-do list. So what can we do to change this and be more productive as actors or business owners?
Be selfish for a change! It's ok. I promise. Since January 1st I have got up, had my healthy breakfast, played some Angry Birds (and I'm sooo not ashamed of that!), learned new music, watched a favorite show, straightened up the house, reorganized, and I have done a lot of reading. I find myself more focused, energized, and happier throughout the day. Now, it's not an overnight fix. It's a routine...and like any routine you have to stick with it. The only way to stick with it is to wake up and write in that journal. It is a reminder to ourselves that we are worth it. We deserve happiness. We deserve to be healthy - body, mind, & soul. We deserve to live the life of our dreams.
In two short weeks, I find myself filled with new ideas which makes me excited to tackle that to-do list. It gets me energized for what's ahead. It fills the air with excitement and endless possibilities. All because I decided to give myself some 'me time'.
So, go ahead, hug yourself...I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU!
Wake up, grab coffee, go right to work, come home, make dinner, check your email, social media sites, go to bed. Rinse & repeat?
Do you ever feel like this routine has you spinning your wheels? Constantly wondering when the big break is going to happen?
Well I ask you this. Are you forgetting a very important ingredient to success in life and business? What is it? I'll give you a hint: YOU!
I've spent a lot of time recently wondering WHY WHY WHY? I felt like a hamster on a wheel...I was going, going, going...nowhere! Sure, business is picking up and things seem to be heading in the right direction. But I'm not a thing. I'm a person. And I felt like I was going nowhere. The need to be honest with myself I started noticing red flags fly up.
Red flags like insomnia, lack of energy, reduced social interaction and over thinking every little thing. Sound familiar folks?
Well now that we are in a new year and I recognize these issues, I realized that I'm NEVER going to please everyone. There will always be naysayers. There will always be people who you expect to support your dreams and aspirations that just don't. There will always be people who'll never understand your business, why you started it, or how you can live not having a 'real job.' With all of your energy and attention turned to these rather insignificant instances you are losing time with the people that do believe in you...including YOURSELF. And that time lost means less creativity. Less productivity. Less happiness.
So, I have a challenge for my friends and colleagues.
Starting now, wake up 60 minutes earlier. Keep a journal. Each morning when you wake up write one reason why you are proud of yourself. Spend the next 57 minutes for YOU.
- Do NOT check your emails.
- DO something that makes you happy - exercise, read, sew, crochet, knit, draw, paint, write, catch up on a tv show that you've been saying "I really want to check that out."
- Do NOT go on FB, Twitter, Google +, Klout, Pinterest, etc.
- DO make yourself a nice balance and healthy energy filled breakfast.
- Do NOT think of your to-do list
For many small business owners this challenge will be exactly that. A CHALLENGE! We wake up and worry about our mile-long to-do list. If you are anything like me, this worrying causes me to skip breakfast, get tired, and then not want to do a single thing on the to-do list. So what can we do to change this and be more productive as actors or business owners?
Be selfish for a change! It's ok. I promise. Since January 1st I have got up, had my healthy breakfast, played some Angry Birds (and I'm sooo not ashamed of that!), learned new music, watched a favorite show, straightened up the house, reorganized, and I have done a lot of reading. I find myself more focused, energized, and happier throughout the day. Now, it's not an overnight fix. It's a routine...and like any routine you have to stick with it. The only way to stick with it is to wake up and write in that journal. It is a reminder to ourselves that we are worth it. We deserve happiness. We deserve to be healthy - body, mind, & soul. We deserve to live the life of our dreams.
In two short weeks, I find myself filled with new ideas which makes me excited to tackle that to-do list. It gets me energized for what's ahead. It fills the air with excitement and endless possibilities. All because I decided to give myself some 'me time'.
So, go ahead, hug yourself...I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU!