The last year has been difficult for everyone. Through our own personal struggles, we've continued to turn to arts organizations to help us heal and feel hope. We got to work and put on our creativity hats and adapted to what 2020 and 2021 have thrown at us. While no one likes to stare continuously at a screen, we created short video projects for our patrons to watch on our YouTube channel at their own pace. We offered ways for artists to stay involved...only online. We had some socially distant filmed performances, we had a play reading series and we have so much more coming.
Through it all, we have been humbled by your continued support. Celebrating 10 years during a pandemic will look very different, but we promise a fun afternoon of song and community.
Through it all, we have been humbled by your continued support. Celebrating 10 years during a pandemic will look very different, but we promise a fun afternoon of song and community.
We have been fortunate to have a generous, anonymous donor come forth who will be matching donations if Star of the Day can raise $1,000 by our birthday on April 11, 2021.